Sunday, August 26, 2007

Summer of Thinking and a Little Anarchy

I'm San Francisco. I feel fortunate that I have been able to spend quite a bit of time here and have always had great friends which allows you to easily squeeze into a local lifestyle. Their are so many interesting people to talk to and watch while they do their daily thing. I've been here since Thursday and I believe here is where I will dwell for a time.

It reminds of a passage on page 5 in On the Road, rather famous one...

" they danced down the road like dingledoddies and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awwww!"
When I first read that I knew this is what I wanted and right now this city is providing what seems unlimited opportunities plus after 8,000 miles and 7 weeks I'm ready to chill for a bit.

Yesterday I was in the Anarchist Collective Bookstore on Haight. I got in to a great conversation with the volunteer behind the counter about the gentrification of America, the future of capitalism, the creation of crime so more police can be put on our streets, and the Democrats love of regulation which slowly turns into oppression. I brought Howard Rourke into the conversation, who is the lead character in Ayn Rands novel the Fountainhead, as what I believe humans should and could be doing with their lives. Well he and a young bystander both reacted negatively towards her. I said I don't care about her but have been digesting her philosophy of: Our own happiness is our moral obligation and that productive achievement as the central theme to our lives. They agreed that has merit and said she got everything she new from this woman and hands me Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman. I have to be honest I didn't know a whole lot about this philosophy except that they are in favor of the elimination of government. Which I can't say that I'm not in favor of.

A couple of quotes that have hit me so far early into this read.

"young people who do not think for themselves" who "want canned or prepared stuff" who "worship at the shrine of the strong armed man"

"Anarchism urges man to think, to investigate, to analyze every proposition....."

That's the kind of person I strive to be, not necessarily an anarchist (more research needed), but someone who thinks, spends time diving towards the epicenter of everything combined with a Buddhist philosophy of being happy in every moment. It could happen.

It's the 40th anniversary of the summer of love. I think it should be the summer of thinking.

I will continue to blog off the rest of my drive in the Astro, I was in Eugene after parting ways with Les Vickers, when my buddy John pulled into town from Mt. Shasta. John is a Friend that I've know for about 12-13 years.. We have the ability to pick up right where we left off whether it's been 3 days or 3 years.... We use the same infantile jokes and call eachother jackass. We hit a couple of night spots met a girl who is on a professional roller derby team and was a world class archer... John drives a 1985 Mercedes 300d, a fine automobile but when your in random pacific northwest cities you really want the comforts of the Astro. I was parked by a nice public park with a bubblier, John slept on top of the Astro... It was funny falling off to sleep as he was setting up his nest for the night. He got up as the morning commute of cars, families heading to the swing set and the plethora of bikers were hitting the streets.

We met Les Vickers outside the library around 8am and headed over to Burrito Boy to get a breakfast burrito. The 3 of us sat on the street eating burritos like 3 old college buddies, John drinking coffee, me a peppermint tea and Les a fresh 40 of Old English. We spent a couple of hours together just shooting the early morning breeze, Les was going to drink to he ran out of money then hit the mission and try to quit drinking, which John and I both agreed was in his best interest. We both gave Les a hug and exchanged emails. I emailed Les but have not heard back, my thoughts and love are with him and I hope to someday get a call that he ready to manage my new career as a Singer Songwriter.

John transferred his belongings into the Astro, left his rig where it was parked and we headed north to Portland.....

to be continued......

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