My Birthday is in about 37 minutes from the time I started this posting, I will be 37. The first 36 years have been so interesting at times intense, comical, magical, frustrating, but wow... I'm walking on the earth, i'm driving in an automobile, I'm on a airplane, I'm standing in front of the Taj Mahal, I'm crying uncontrollably, I'm so angry, I'm laughing so hard, I'm skiing, climbing, biking, running, questioning, meditating...
I think of all the people that have come and gone in my life. the ones that I love, some I did not give a chance, some that inspired me, some that made me look, some who would not let me feel sorry for myself, some I hurt, some that I would jump through fire for, some I see everyday at lunch but do not know there name..... all have a powerful message for me if I am open and ready.
I think about my 30th my 20th my 10th my 1st and I think about my 40th my 50th my 60th I see myself in all those ages.
My won
derful, beautiful Mom, Ms. Sandra Loftus gave birth to me on her 29th Birthday 37 years ago. We celebrate together!
I had one of my best thanksgivings in a long time, probably since I was a child at My Aunt Jeanette's when I felt so much love. It was the first time my Sister, Brother and Mom were together since 02... we sat by the fire, we shared a table together, we formed a family band, I play bass, my bro drums, my sister lead vocals and guitar and my nephew Dustin on lead! We ROCK.
I went to Burlington over the weekend with some good friends, we went and saw the Nate Wilson Group. 5 of not only my favorite musicians but 5 of the greatest folks as well. They play Rock and Roll Music... check out their music at
In lieu of gifts for my 37th birthday I ask you to reach enlightenment for all of us!
A picture from Halloween 2000 with my friend John and Benji... (Kimmie, Fat Tammy and Helga)

I think of all the people that have come and gone in my life. the ones that I love, some I did not give a chance, some that inspired me, some that made me look, some who would not let me feel sorry for myself, some I hurt, some that I would jump through fire for, some I see everyday at lunch but do not know there name..... all have a powerful message for me if I am open and ready.
I think about my 30th my 20th my 10th my 1st and I think about my 40th my 50th my 60th I see myself in all those ages.
My won
I had one of my best thanksgivings in a long time, probably since I was a child at My Aunt Jeanette's when I felt so much love. It was the first time my Sister, Brother and Mom were together since 02... we sat by the fire, we shared a table together, we formed a family band, I play bass, my bro drums, my sister lead vocals and guitar and my nephew Dustin on lead! We ROCK.
I went to Burlington over the weekend with some good friends, we went and saw the Nate Wilson Group. 5 of not only my favorite musicians but 5 of the greatest folks as well. They play Rock and Roll Music... check out their music at
In lieu of gifts for my 37th birthday I ask you to reach enlightenment for all of us!
A picture from Halloween 2000 with my friend John and Benji... (Kimmie, Fat Tammy and Helga)

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